Randonnée cycliste en forêt de Domfront  ©Pascal Beltrami (Normandie Tourisme)

Responsible tourism

All parties are aware that the challenge of responsible tourism is to protect the environment and to improve human relations.

The Normandie Qualité Tourisme approach, developed by the Chamber of Commerce of Normandy with the support of the Normandy Region and Europe, allows to the certified establishment to evaluate their level of performance  and to develop environmental and societal practices.

It is also a means to meet the legitimate expectations regarding the reduction of the travel impacts.


You are a Norman professional of the tourism industry, a diagnosis is offered for free to the certified Normandy Qualité Tourisme professionnals.


It consists of 14 chapters :

Our objective is to assist you in developing good practices, by a process of continuing improvement of behaviour and optimization of the work tool.

We support you in building a personalized action plan and it allows you to be oriented towards appropriate assistance schemes.

Within the framework of communication actions, the partnership with Normandy Regional Touristic Committee will allows to promote the most dynamic establishment.

Discover the assessment tool Normandie Qualité Tourisme Responsable.